Thursday, December 3, 2015

Finding what's not there

How do you find the missing matter in the universe?

I'll admit I didn't understand all of this, but the following article is mind-boggling - that scientists have been able to discover these things at all.
Blog post from Scienceblog: Scientists find 'Cosmic Web' holding the universe together

The religious impulse in the face of the discovery of data indicates there is 'missing matter' from what should be expected would be to indicate that it clearly points to things beyond the physical, material world, and is solid evidence for the supernatural realm.

The scientific impulse in the face of this data is to form hypotheses, test them, and as a result, make a new discovery which either confirms or denies the hypothesis.  In this case, it seems to tentatively confirm it - but they still want to expand the data set to form stronger conclusions.

Even though the missing matter of the universe shows some indications of having being found, god remains in hiding.

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